Thursday, August 30, 2012

Types of Container Specification

General Purpose 20' (click to enlarge)
General-purpose containers come in two sizes: 20 ft and 40 ft. There are two types of general-purpose containers, one is manufactured from steel and the other from aluminum.
• Steel containers have a slightly larger internal cube.
• Aluminum containers have a slightly larger payload.
Both are suitable for most types of cargo.

General Purpose 40' (click to enlarge)

High Cube 40' & 45' (click to enlarge)
High Cube Container
High cube containers are manufactured from steel and aluminum and come in two sizes: 40 ft and 45 ft. High cube containers allow an extra foot in height compared to general-purpose containers. These containers are ideal for light, voluminous cargo or bulky cargo.

Open Top 20' (click to enlarge)
Open Top Container
Open type top containers are manufactured from steel and come in two sizes: 20 ft and 40 ft. They are particularly suitable for bulky cargo such as machinery. These containers are fitted with a PC tarpaulin cover and attachable bows with cable sealing devices. Their doors can be removed to make the stuffing of cargo more convenient.

Open Top 40' (click to enlarge)

Flat Rack 40' (click to enlarge)
Flat Rack Containers
Flat rack containers are manufactured from steel and come in two sizes: 20 ft and 40 ft. They can be collapsible or non-collapsible, with or without walls. They are especially suited to heavy loads or cargo that needs to be loaded from the top or sides such as pipes and machinery.

Flat Rack 20' (click to enlarge)
Life's Good!

In your service,
Ing Kumala
Mobile/WhatsApp: +62 813 3888 5228
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The following Incoterms definitions are only a brief summary.

The complete definition of each term is available from The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), and can be obtained by purchasing the Incoterms Reference Book through their online bookstore at This site also offers relevant publications about conducting business in the international marketplace. You can read the latest Incoterms' revisions and detailed definitions at

EXW - Ex Works. The minimum obligation of a seller under Incoterms. The seller agrethe goods available to the buyer at the seller's premises (named place). The selleresponsible for bearing the cost of loading the goods onto the vehicle provided bunless otherwise agreed in advance. The buyer bears the full costs and risks invobringing the goods from that EXW location to the ultimate destination. It is the sresponsibility during initial negotiations to clearly name the location. 

FCA - Free Carrier. The seller delivers the goods, cleared for export, to a carrier andlnamed by the buyer. Carrier defines any person by whom or in whose name a cocarriage such as by road, rail, air, sea, barge, ferry, or any combination of these multi-modal) has been made. 

FAS - Free Alongside Ship. Used only for sea or inland waterway. The seller is requirthe goods alongside the ship at the pier or quay. From that point forward, the buycosts and risks. The selleris required to clear the goods for export (a reversal froIncoterms versions).  

FOB - Free on Board. Used only for sea or inland waterway. Shipped goods are placethe ship by the seller at the specific port of shipment named in the sales agreemeorder, or contract. The seller is required to clear the goods for export. All costs athe point where the cargo crossesthe ship's rail (is lifted from the quay or pier opasses to the buyer.  

CFR -Cost and Freight. Used only for sea or inland waterway. Seller delivers when gship's rail in the port of shipment. The seller is required to clear the goods for exand risks change at the ship's rail, just as in FOB terms (see previous), but the cois different.

For goods shipped CFR, the sellerpays all costs to deliver the goods up tport of destination and the buyer is responsible for risks and title.

For goods shipped FOB, the buyerpays all costs to deliver the goods upport of destination and is responsible for risks and title.

CIF - Cost, Insurance, and Freight. Used only for sea or inland waterway. Seller delgoods pass the ship's rail in the port of shipment and must pay costs and freight destination. The seller is required to clear the goods for export. In its simplest foCFR (see previous) plus Insurance. The seller must procure transport insurance arisk of loss or damage to the goods to the extent that is mutually agreed upon in  

In your service,
Ing Kumala
Personal email:
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Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Bagaimana Cara Mencegah Terjadinya Tindak Pidana Korupsi
Modus operandi: Restitusi Pajak tahunan dengan cara Ekspor Fiktif.


Lakukan pemeriksaan secara persuasive / akomodatif atas setiap order yang masuk dengan cara :
Ketahuilah siapa shipper / eksportir anda yang telah melakukan order pengapalan, seperti alamat perusahaan, tel, fax, contact person yang melakukan order. Kondisi ini khususnya lebih ditekankan pada shipper baru, shipping instructionnya tidak mencantumkan dengan jelas alamat, nama perusahaan, telp dan orang yang dapat dihubungi dan atau yang berwenang / bertanggung jawab atas order tersebut.

Pendataan order

Buat Log Book atau sistem data base yang akomodatif, rapih dan berurut agar kemudian dapat dilakukan pencaraian data kembali dikemudian hari. Dan setiap order yang masuk agar dibuatkan nomor referensi.

Catatlah data order yang diterima seperti :
  1. Nomor Bill of Lading & Tanggal on board
  2. Nama shipper / eksportir (serta alamat, tel, fax, contact person atau pejabat berwenang diperusahaan dimaksud)
  3. Nama Consignee, notify party (detail)
4.Nama Kapal / Voy, Jadwal Kapal, Agen pelayaran/ co-loader yang dipergunakan, nomor petikemas dan type ukuran, nomor segel, jumlah quantity & uraian barang, berat (Kgs) & ukuran (M3), marking, Freight condition, mode of loading (FCL atau LCL) mode of service (CY atau CFS).

Proses Penanda Tanganan B/L

Semua B/L yang akan diterbitkan dan atau yang akan diserahkan kepada Shipper / Eksportir, sebelum di tanda tangani sebaiknya dilakukan verifikasi ulang, dengan  cara :
  1. Sudah ada lampiran Loading confirmation dari Pelayaran
  2. Menyerahkan copy PEB yang sudah di legitimasi oleh pihak pabean di pelabuhan muat.
3.      Cocokkan data B/L tersebut dengan data pendukung lain, seperti S/I, Draft B/L, loading confirmation, atau D/O agar terdapat adanya korelasi dengan dokumen dokumen lain, jika ada ketidak sesuaian dengan data sebelumnya maka lakukan konfirmasi ulang dengan pihak shipper / eksportir.
Catatan :
Tidak diperkenan untuk menerbitkan B/L 2(dua) kali untuk pengapalan yang sama, dengan alasan apapun, diskusikan dengan pihak pimpinan manajemen untuk diketahui / dan atau guna pencarian solusi.

Revisi B/L

B/L yang sudah ditanda tangani, jika dikemudian hari ada permintaan dari pihak shipper / eksportir untuk adanya revisi, maka :
1.      Lakukan diskusi dengan pimpinan, minimal manajer divisi, agar poin yang dikoreksi tetap dalam koridor yang diijinkan, dan tidak menyimpang dari pada ketentuan yang telah disepakati. (Seperti perubahan pada : Nama shipper, negara tujuan, freight term, loading term, nilai M3, nama dan jumlah uraian barang)
2.      Pihak shipper / eksportir diminta agar membuat surat pernyataan / surat permohonan resmi atas revisi pada B/L yang dimaksudkan diatas kertas bermaterai, dan ditanda tangani oleh pejabat yang berwenang pada perusahaan tersebut. (Guna menjaga legilitas dari B/L yang diterbitkan)

Proses Penyerahan B/L & Filing Sistem

Cara Penyerahan B/L
Jika B/L diambil oleh pihak shipper / eksportir, maka pastikan bahwa yang kurir mengambil B/L tersebut adalah benar utusan / kurir dari shipper / eksportir, mintalah surat keterangan dari yang bersangkutan/kurir dan atau dapat menyerahkan surat kuasa asli dari perusahaan, sesuai dengan KTP, jika kelengkapan ini tidak dibuat maka bagian penyerahan B/L wajib mengecek kepada shipper / eksportir tersebut untuk kebenaran dari pada kurir tersebut, selanjutnya buatkan tanda terima dengan mencantumkan : tanda tangani, nama dan diberi tanggal, jam pengambilan.

Surrender B/L
Setiap B/L yang diminta untuk di surrender oleh pihak shipper / eksportir, agar terlebih dahulu menerima surat permohonan atas surrender B/L yang dimaksud. Selanjutnya  dibuatkan bukti tanda terima atas diterimanya full set of original.(3 lembar original) yang sudah di endorse oleh shipper / eksportir. Dan atas penyerahan / surrender B/L tersebut di buatkan :Telex release yang di tujukan ke agen di negara tujuan, sebagai pemberitahuan.

Filing Sistem
Semua dokumen yang masuk agar di filing pada alat filing / odner secara berurut sesuai dengan nomor B/L seperti, dengan melampirkan  :
1.      Shipping instruction dari shipper dan shipping instruction ke pelayaran, termasuk revisinya (jika ada)
  1. Copy Bill of Lading yang diterbitkan, jika house maka lampirkan juga Master B/L
  2. Bukti loading confirmation dari Pelayaran
  3. Telex Release jika B/L tersebut di Surrender.
  4. Outward Manifest
  5. Foto copy PEB, packing list, invoice, asuransi (jika ada)
  6. Bukti tanda terima atas penyerahan Bill of Lading kepada Shipper/Eksportir.
  7. Lain lain jika seperti komunikasi dengan agen, shipping advise, quotation, job order/ costing.

B/L Numbering

Usahakan bahwa semua B/L yang diterbitkan, telah terdaftar/ registerasi pada log book, lakukan sistem numbering dengan berurut, beri tanda jika ada order yang di batalkan. Beri keterangan secupkupnya pada file atas pembatalan order tersebut, yang sewaktu waktu dapat dianalisa. (untuk menghindari double B/L issue)
Catatan :
Jumlah / stock B/L blank form, agar selalu dikontrol, pengawasannya dapat diserahakan kepada manajer masing masing dan atau accounting, untuk menghindari penggunaan B/L dari pihak pihak tidak bertangung jawab, Termasuk pengawasan penggunaan stempel perusahaan.

Pengesahan B/L untuk tujuan Restitusi Pajak

Sebelum melakukan pengesahan pada copy B/L yang diterima dari instansi kantor Pajak untuk tujuan restitusi pajak, penting dilakukan verifikasi / pengecekan :
1.      Periksa alamat dari kantor instansi pajak yang mengirim, apakah sudah sesuai dengan alamat shipper / eksportir yang meminta pengesahan.
2.      Jika benar, maka periksa copy B/L yang dilampirkan, apakah B/L tersebut benar pernah diterbitkan dan data cocok dengan data pada catatan log book dan atau pada sistem data base perusahaan. Kemudian distempel, ditanda tangani, dan foto copy untuk file.
3.      Cek pada shipper / eksportir, apakah benar telah mengejukan restitusi pajak
4.      Kemudian distempel, ditanda tangani, dan foto copy untuk file. Kirim kembali ke instansi kantor pajak yang meminta pengesahan / legalisasi.

Jika ada hal yang tidak jelas, dan atau dirasa kurang dan atau tidak sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi setempat, mohon agar segera diinformasikan, dan disosialisasikan, untuk menghindari hal hal yang tidak perlu, yang dapat menyebabkan terjadi penyimpangan atas penggunaan B/L.
Saran dan koreksi, sangat diharapkan untuk dan tujuan perbaikan.

Above is written by my mentor Alm. Hakim Mallapasi, SE, MM. Semoga berguna...

Warmest Regards,

Ing Kumala
Personal email:
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We just finished handling a re-export case, so I decided to share this interesting job we had completed. We are glad that the job finished in the exact time frame it was expected.

Few weeks ago a client called me through a referral who said his goods worth US$13,500 were stuck in Surabaya port for over a month due to some documents not completed. Since there is no way the goods can be cleared, client had no choice but to re-export the shipment to Singapore.

We handled the shipment from the moment goods reach Singapore port and arranged for trans-loading (exchange of container) and send back the goods to Surabaya. The service we provided included:
  •  Import clearance in Singapore
  • Trucking from Singapore CY to Singapore warehouse
  •  Return of empty container (inbound)
  • Transloading (stuffing and re-stuffing)
  •  MES Handling (Major Exporter Scheme so there is no GST needed since goods are to be exported again)
  • Empty container collection (outbound)
  •  Inspection handling (For PSI Inspection , take note your side have to apply for it and send us the application form)
  • Trucking from Singapore Warehouse to Singapore CY
  • Ocean Freight from Singapore to Indonesia Port
  •  FOB Charges from Singapore to Indonesia Port

Container was sealed by Surabaya Custom as "RELOKASI IMPOR"

Transloading in process in our Singapore partner warehouse

Transloading done - last shot before close door

Container Sealed and ready to send to port

Having problem in clearing your valuable goods in Indonesia? Need to re-export the shipment to nearest port and bring in the container again to Indonesia for clearance? WE ARE THE SOLUTION FOR YOU!

Call Us TODAY to get FREE consultation.

Warmest Regards,
Ing Kumala
Personal email:
Business email:

Monday, August 13, 2012

5th PPL Network AGM, Bangkok 27th - 30th May 2012

I should have update this long ago but were too busy to update. Myself and my colleague went to Bangkok for PPL Network Annual Meeting from 27th - 30th May 2012. The 4 days 3 nights stay were fully packed and memorable experience.

Our first night was spent mingling with the members as a private function at Sambal Restaurant which is located at Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel, also the hotel we were staying. The weather was just nice with cool breeze I reached there on time at 7.30pm. It was a little awkward at first as I know NO ONE and my colleague decided to buy something and joined me later. But I found I am not the only one who felt that way as there were many others who just joined the network like us and know nobody. Just smile to everyone and approach whoever that meets your eyes. Don't worry you won't be rejected as we all come here for the same reason: To know each other and get business! So if you are SHY, forget about being a salesman or an entrepreneur. I ended the night at 10.30pm to sleep in early.

Meeting started at 8.30am with total attendance about 210 delegates from 70 countries. It was the highest record since the network's 5th year. We had a one-to-one meeting where we had a 15 minutes private meeting with the PPL member.

We boarded 'The Grand Chao Praya Cruise' for private dinner where we spent 3 hours on board to enjoy the food and music. I awarded myself with a bottle of Singha Beer :). We reached back our hotel at 10pm and thought was too early to sleep. So me and my colleague walked out from the hotel and pampered our selves for 2 hours of Thai Massage.

The next 2 days was another fully packed day. The event was successful and fruitful. Not to mention was memorable one too.

Look forward to PPL Network meeting next year!

Life's Good!

Ing Kumala
Personal email:
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Sunday, August 12, 2012



1. Seafreight does not always equate to cheaper freight. If you have only a few boxes of items to ship out, consider sending them by Airfreight. The primary reason being that Seafreight is traditionally meant for Bulky items (think crates and pallet loads), and while the seafreight charges may appear attractive, be prepared to pay a hefty sum of port charges when your shipment arrives.

2. Planning to ship your items by airfreight ? Always ensure that you weigh your items yourselves, and take the dimensions of each item. A small investment in a weighing scale from a convenience store and a measuring tape will go a long way to ensuring that you are not conned into paying more by your agent.

3. Further to point 2., ensure that the weight of your items is more than or equal to 45kg. Most agents won't tell you this but airlines charge up to 200% more for packages that don't meet the minimum Q rate (45kg and above).

4. Further to points 2. and 3., if your items don't weigh 45kg on the scale, don't panic. Calculate the volume weight of the items using this simple formula (length x breadth x height in cm and divide by 6000), this gives you the volume weight per item. Add up the volume weights, chances are sometimes the volume weight exceeds the weight on the scales. and the airlines will usually charge based on the higher of the two.

5. Don't try to send everything by freight. Though largely common knowledge, people often fail to maximise their luggage capacity and hand-carry luggage capacity, some airlines such as Emirates allow passengers to carry 32kg of luggage each. First class and Business class passengers get allowances up to 40kg for multiple pieces of luggage (boxes qualify as check in luggage too). Some airlines also allow passengers to check in bulky items such as sports equipment, so you don't necessarily have to ship your surfboard or golf clubs by freight !

Ing Kumala
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